Roon server with 1 year subscription
Voice commands
Portable headphone amplifier 2x 1.5W
R2R - 256 steps pure analog volume control
Dual mono - fully balanced topology
Remote control for devices
USB audio class 2.0 DAC
Dual SABRE DAC - 136 dB Signal to noise ratio
Analog and optical digital inputs
Media player, streamer
Automatic load impedance detection 16 ~ 600 Ohm
Wireless charging - 10.000 mA custom made battery
Automatic load impedance : 16 ~ 600 Ohm
Headphone amplifier 2x 1.5W
Media player. streamer
Dual mono - fully balanced
USB audio class 2.0 DAC
Roon server with one year subscription
Dual SABRE DAC - 136 dB signal/noise ratio
Analog and optical digital inputs
R2R - 256 steps pure analog volume
Voice commands
Wireless charging - 10.000 mA custom battery
Remote control for devices